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Quick Facts
U.S. Census Population (2020 official): 4,088
Regional Commission: Heart of Georgia Altamaha
County: Jeff Davis
Congressional District: 8
State Senate District: 19
State Legislature Districts: 157
Business Licenses, Zoning, & Code Enforcement
Business licenses are issued by the City of Hazlehurst before the beginning of an operation of a new business, and both new and current licenses are renewed annually. Once an application has been received, and it is requested to submit paperwork at least two weeks before the opening of the business, the license will be issued and an occupation tax certificate issued. Please display the certificate in a noticeable place in your business.
Any person, firm, partnership, or corporation engaged in business, trade, retail, or professional occupation must purchase a business license, adhering to the requirements and regulations of the City of Hazlehurst.
All zoning requests will be presented to the City of Hazlehurst Zoning Board for complete and fair review.
Charles Harrell is the city’s building inspector and code enforcement officer. He can be reached at City Hall at (912) 375-6680.